01. Cinque Terre, Italy.

 The Cinque Terre is situated in Italy. The terraces built on the rugged landscape are a popular tourist attraction.
Photo-01: Cinque Terre, Italy

 02. Hotel La Montaña Mágica,  Huilo Huilo. 
It’s a hotel shaped like a mountain that spews water from the top. It is located in Huilo Huilo.

Photo 02: Hotel La Montaña Mágica 
03. Plitvice Lakes National Park,  Croatia
 It is the oldest national park in Southeast Europe and the largest park in Croatia. The Plitvice Lakes National Park  is filled with luscious green scenery, beautiful lagoons, and amazing waterfalls.

Photo- 03: Plitvice Lakes National Park 

4. Tunnel Of Love,  Ukraine. 
Tunnel Of Love is situated in Kleven, Ukraine. The magical-looking place is nicknamed “The Tunnel Of Love” by locals because it is a popular spot for couples to visit.
Photo- 4: Tunnel Of Love 

5. The Crooked Forest,  Poland .
 It is located right outside of Nowe Czarnowo, West Pomerania, Poland. The grove contains approximately 400 pine trees with bent trunks. They were planted sometime in 1939, but why or who made them crooked is unknown.
Photo- 5: The Crooked Forest,  Poland . 


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